<h4> </h4> es-ES (Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política) (Prosecretaría de Publicaciones y Gestión Editorial - FaHCE. UNLP) Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300 OJS 60 Introducción. Ética, derechos humanos, migraciones y salud <p>Introducción al Dosier: Ética, derechos humanos, migraciones y salud</p> María Graciela de Ortúzar Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300 For the construction of intercultural dialogue with a gender perspective in bioethics. Contributions from Latin American social ethics <p>We contribute to the complex and problematic relationship between interculturality, gender and bioethics from the perspective of Latin American Social Ethics. We first review moments of the constitution and development of Latin American Social Ethics and identify categories that open possibilities to articulate with the critique of intercultural philosophy and decolonial feminist epistemologies. We also consider the criticisms of the notion of recognition from proposals of Latin American intercultural philosophy and we move towards the proposals of gender diversity and the criticisms of Latin American feminisms, to incorporate other voices in the bioethicist argumentation, which speak of care, solidarity, (co) responsibility, commitment.</p> Adriana María Arpini Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300 Contributions to discuss the concept of interculturality in the field study of migrant health. The case study of Andenean Migrant Women in Argentina <p>In this paper we are interested sharing contributions related to the field of intercultural health in relation to border migrant groups living in Argentina. We bring discussions around interculturality, medical pluralism, therapeutic itineraries together with intersectionality and memory in order to contribute to the analysis on interculturality and migrant health. In particular, we seek to discuss these categories in light of the case of Andean migrant women in Argentina, field of study where we have been reflecting in the field of health, interculturality and gender.</p> Brígida Baeza, Lila Aizenberg Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300 The right to intercultural health <p>This article will address the right to intercultural health, based on conceptualizing access to health and the respectful interaction between various cultures in the different areas (political, social, cultural, linguistic, age, gender) that constitute a complex society. The objective is focused on defining the concept of interculturality and intercultural dialogue from an epistemic justice approach. The situated analysis of intercultural health care is expected to promote public policies, aimed at building an intercultural perspective, which fosters a horizontal dialogue and a respected interaction in all areas of society.</p> Cintia Daniela Rodríguez Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300 Migrations and the Use (or the Misuse) of the Health Care System. Narratives about Access Barriers and Strategies for Attention/Self-Attention in a Peri Urban Neighborhoods in La Matanza <p>In the context of the PICT 3166/2015 Project “Migrations, Interculturality and Territory: Multiscale Mapping on Social Inclusion”, we have developed a line of research to explore the specific characteristics of the health-disease-care process in peri urban neighborhoods in González Catán inhabited by impoverished social groups whose lives are shaped by diverse moving experiences. Based on a qualitative approach, we analyze the accounts of those living in the neighborhood, exploring the juxtaposition of different inequalities, how this affects healthcare access, and the multiple strategies that can be developed to overcome such difficulties. As a result, we have identified multiple stakeholders and models regarding healthcare as well as different levels of awareness when faced to these different concerns. Furthermore, access difficulties and perceptions regarding the public health system and how it works contribute to advance the understanding of new “therapeutic paths” and show the existing tension regarding certain stereotypes associated with migrant health rooted in public opinion and the media.</p> Yamila Soledad Abal Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300 Justice, health, health care and the politics of difference. Reflections from the demands of the social movements in Argentina <p>Health and health care justice have commonly been understood just as the application of the distributive model of social justice to the fields of health and health care. The purpose of this article is to analyze, based on Iris Young's approach to the “politics of difference”, other notions of justice in health and health care involved in the demands of several social movements in Argentina. Based on the aforementioned analysis, it has been possible to identify four different notions. Although they presuppose aspects related to the distribution of resources, they are far from being reduced to the distributive model of social justice.</p> Jessica Marcela Kaufman Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300 Ethics and intersectional discrimination in the health care of regional migrants (gender, ethnicity, functional diversity, social class, geopolitical factor, interculturality, eco determinants) <p>The objective of the work is to analyze the intersectional discriminations that operate in the multiple identities of regional migrant women (Paraguayan and Bolivian) in the field of health in Argentina during the present pandemic (COVID 19). We will begin with the critical study of key categories and the origin of the inequalities of law of the aforementioned discrimination in migration policies (intersectional discrimination; vulnerability, epistemic injustice and intercultural dialogue in health). Second, we will address de facto inequalities, particularly examining the socio-economic inequalities suffered by migrants during the pandemic. Thirdly, in order to enable alternative forms of care and self-care from the recognition of their ethnicity and the inseparable care of the earth, we propose the application of the concept of territorial participatory justice as a condition of intercultural dialogue in health. As a proposal, it seeks to promote dialogues of knowledge located outside the bureaucratic councils and expanding the social base of health rights from the pluriculturality exercised in care networks of migrant women in the territory and not from their domesticated participation.</p> María Graciela de Ortúzar Copyright (c) 2022 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 00:00:00 -0300