Ideología, discurso, subjetividad. La reconfiguración de la problemática de la hegemonía en la obra de Ernesto Laclau
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This paper aims to explore the articulation of Marxism, psychoanalysis and political theory in the particular reading of ErnestoLaclau. Consequences in two main areas are analyzed: discourse theoryand political philosophy. This author reconfigures the conceptual basis ofhegemony and ideology from an original position close to the Althusserian tradition (by means of deconstruction, Foucauldian archaeology and Lacanian Psychoanalysis) to a standpoint that he himself has described as post Marxist. In that frame, his conception of discourse makes a claim fora renewal of the concept of hegemony, giving up the Marxist topic of base and superstructure.
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Rodríguez Marino, P., Schtivelband, E., & Terriles, R. (2013). Ideología, discurso, subjetividad. La reconfiguración de la problemática de la hegemonía en la obra de Ernesto Laclau, (39), 31–51. Retrieved from