El mundo como arte: Una reflexión en torno a la estética schopenhaueriana

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Pablo Uriel Rodríguez


Art, along with ethics and mysticism, is in Shopenhauer's philosophy one of the possible solutions to the "misery of the world". In this paper we will attempt a brief discussion on the main theses in Schopenhauer's aesthetics from a metaphysical perspective. First, we will analyze the subjective aspects of the artistic phenomenon in order to ascertain what kind of subject promotes art. Secondly, we will deal with the objective aspects of art and develop a characterization of what the author termed as Idea. Finally, we will delve into the metaphysical implications of Schopenhauer's aesthetics


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Rodríguez, P. U. (2011). El mundo como arte: Una reflexión en torno a la estética schopenhaueriana, (42), 95–121. Retrieved from https://www.rfytp.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/RFyTPn42a05