De Christo et Antichristo. Eikōn and phantasma in Christian Onto-theo-logy
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According to dogmatic Christology, Christ is consubstantial with the Father, mediating between God and the human being. The Greek-speaking Church Fathers referred to Logos as eikōn, a term that relates to platonic philosophy and denotes an image resembling its archetype. In this paper, we argue that Christ operates as a twofold device: eikōn (dogmatic Christology) and phantasma (Antichristology). Throughout western tradition, theology has attempted to ward off the phantasmatic nature of Christ. We claim —obviously dissenting from Christological dogma— that Antichrist is not the adversary of Christ nor his absolute other, but Christ himself as phantasma. At the same time, the concept of Antichrist, namely Christ qua phantasma, is significantly metaphysic in its meaning because it refers to an area that is irreducible to the polarized dichotomies in metaphysics (tangible and intelligible, matter and spirit, etc.); an area that we consider the realm of images.
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